It's Jordan. Here are the pictures we took while McKenzie was with us. Before I start I want to thank my mom for letting her come to visit me. (I'm full of thanks today, guys.) Being away from the people you love is as far from easy as you are from them, which in this case is FAR. That being said, waiting for my sister to walk out of that terminal was agonizing. I feel like we stood there forever and then the Kid's sweet face came around the corner I almost cried. She ran, we hugged, we jumped, and we hugged some more. A nice lady (and I'm sure everyone else) watched and gave me the nicest smile while she waited there with her little girl for her sweet loved one to arrive. Life is about the memories made and I won't ever forget that one. It was like a movie, y'all. :) Anywho, thanks, mom, for sending her. Thanks, Kid, for coming. I love you both (and the rest of everyone) more than you know.
Now for the picture show you've all been waiting for!
Straight off her first plane!
Seattle Adventures:
Feral Farm Adventures:
We did a lot in our two weeks at Feral Farm. These are just a few of our memories and projects.
Milking Libby:
We all took turns, but this is B and Kenzie milking Libby, the younger of the two goats. Edith is Libby's mom - she was so sweet she headbutted me in the hip once for not giving her bread. Hmph.
Bellingham, WA:
After we left Rockport we decided to head north to Bellingham so that the Kid could see a little more of Washington (us too). Plus, Sus was going up there anyway for a concert at The Wild Buffalo. I don't think Logan got this far so I'll tell you guys a little about it. :) Anyway, the show was awesome! It was A Tribe Called Red and they're an electro-tribal group. It's like EDM meets Native American campfire. It was a wonderful show and a grand farewell to our friend, Sus. (WE LOVE YOU HELL-O LOTS!) The next day we stumbled upon all sorts of treasures. One was this Makeshift Block Party for a local non-profit in Belingham. They had music all day, 4 square, a rock wall, a slip'n'slide, a beer garden, a pie eating contest and more! We all signed up for the pie eating contest, but as luck would have it I was the only one who didn't get to participate. They only had 8 pies you see and I was contestant #9! Hahaha, but at least they had someone to document it right? They did great, by the way. Logan totally won the contest, but they called it a tie and had the crowd scream for the winner - us being out of towners made that an easy win for the lady in pigtails. Boo you, Lady In Pigtails - you ate more of your hair than you did pie! (had to do that for Lo, she was a little sore after it.) We also found a sweet museum to go to and some really great parks. McKenzie and I got to jump off a floating dock into Bellingham Bay and it actually wasn't terribly cold. The night before we left we even went to a mexican restaurant and sang karaoke! Overall, it was a great trip to Bellingham and I cant wait to go back. :)
Back in Seattle:
Back in Seattle, we had to say good-bye to my too-wise-for-her-age, amazingly-beautiful, not-so-baby sister. So we did what any good Southern women would do and we made her a feast. Since we bring our house with us everywhere, we made ourselves at home in a Safeway (grocery store) parking lot and let her spend her last $20 on ice cream and treats for her farewell desert. What 14 year old wouldn't love that? Especially after spending 3 weeks without electricity or running water. I'm glad she survived and I know she learned some things.
I'm so glad you came, Monkey. Thanks for putting up with our circus and being a great kid. Be good or be good at it, you know. We'll see you when we see you and I love you more than Its-Its!
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