During our incredible West Coast/Best Coast experience we have grown and learned so much about ourselves, each other, and so much more. Together we have traveled over 5,000 miles through 7 states in 9 months for under $1800 a piece (that does magically include our gas expense for our very thirsty 1983 mountain climbing Coachmen). We've done it leisurely and pretty efficiently, I'd say. What we have experienced though cannot simply be given a price tag, that was just a fun fact to blow your mind. What we have done is something unique and beautiful just like us as individuals. We have lived life to the fullest, conquered our fears, and most importantly we never gave up. What we do every day is exactly what you daydream about while you sit in your not so comfortable computer chair Googling cute kitten photos. We live your dreams and ours. You're welcome for that. ;)
We started this journey with hopes of interpersonal growth, understanding, education, and adventure. Let the record show that we have accomplished our goals! As someone who's never been terribly good at following through, this is undeniably monumental. When we first decided this was what we were doing I was probably the most skeptical (go figure, right?) about how we would really manage. I was like you. Thinking, man, that sounds fun, but completely unrealistic. I mean, how would we get money and food? Oh, god, what about the pets!? We figured out the food and pets situation when we found out WWOOFing feeds you and bought Teddy for the animals. (Yes, it is true we bought our RV to double as Animal Daycare. Call us crazy, it has definitely been said before! Haha!) As for the dollar dilemma we kind of just closed our eyes and hoped for the best, which worked out obviously.
Let's jump ahead to the more recent stuff, shall we?
In December we shared the hardest day of them all - the day we separated. Dun dun dunnnnnn. It was that dramatic, guys. We had literally spent every day, all day together for NINE months. Holy cow. You could say we are close. Lol. So that morning was quiet; I think Logan avoided eye contact and I'm sure B and I are guilty of the same. When it came time to leave once Teddy was ready for take off, B and I took our last walk up that hill too slowly -
to say bye to all of the people we had grown so close to. I went around and talked to everyone, stopping to cry to Emma, the most wonderful pit bull lady dog ever, about how sad it was to leave and how much I loved her. All that was left was to say farewell to my third leg, my fixie chick sister, my dreadheadboobuttpookiedoo, (please try not to choke on my dramatics, hehe). We totally had a tripod movie moment that involved a tearful group hug/singing circle and ended in a unanimous "this is stupid." We gathered the pups and headed toward our next adventure.
Leaving is always so bittersweet.
We love you, Lo.
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