Ahoy there! Logan shouting out to the followers. Hope you guys are all doing well. Good vibes are always coming your way. For the past few months the tripod has been kind of separated, but only by space. We have kept in constant contact. They are still the go to for decision making and or deliberating and to provide the support and guidance needed to live the life we live. We will meet back up eventually to create some wild stories surely. This blog will be about what has been going on on my end of things.
Footehills Farm of Spokane,Wa has become my homebase. Living on one farm and creating daily practices certainly allows for better learning. Being a part of each task that it takes to start the season and seeing the progression - learning the little tricks for certain projects. Like not all plants can be started in the same size pots. Whoops. Remembering to water is a tough one for me :/ but eventually you find the rhythm. Assisting in the design ideas of a garden was a lot of fun. Not so much building the damn rock walls, but will say this guy is a rock wall beast. Planting is fun and also kind of gives me anxiety. It feels as if the plants will not grow. Although my mind is in a positive place for the seeds well being when it is placed in the ground. Afterwards just feels empty the endless days of waiting and ensuring the moisture is still there - and then you see your first sprout You are over joied that life did exist in that little seed. And a baby is born. Eventually all 400 thousand seeds were planted and most of them sprouting. I actually planted too many of certain plants, but we were able to sell them at the Herb Fair. One of my last days on the farm we built a teepee trellis for gourds and cucumbers and put in a permaculture technique called three sisters.: beans corn and squash. These three plants give each other the different nutrients each one needs to grow. It is a companion planting thing. My potato tunnels were discouraging me as there were few sprouts coming up in the last days. More potatoes grow on the plant if you slowly add dirt around the base of potatoes as it grows. This allows it dirt to send out more tubers to create potatoes, so instead of building up kind of high; some dig tunnels. Much like making mounds for your squash to grow down instead of out, on the flat ground.
The farm is a part of a local co-op called LINC Foods. They gather fruit and vegetables from small local farms and distribute them to the school districts for breakfast and lunch. All the while the school is teaching the kids what vegetables look like coming out of the ground instead of polished up before the grocery store. This was a big selling point for me on Footehills Farm besides TnT my new favorite family members, they really helped a lot giving me advice and teaching me to be a better farmer. A winter well spent I say.
While living on the farm I came up with a grand idea to go on a bike tour while also falling in love with the sounds of Glass Animals. Doing some research I find a beautiful festival called Sasquatch and Glass Animals just so happens to be playing in it. Sold! There was the first destination of my bike tour and then the Gorge is half way to Olympia, Wa and why not go visit the friends we made there last year. So it is time to prepare. Gather camping materials, get a bike! Here we go!
Just so happens my sister geta a wild idea in February to fly me back home to Louisiana for a visit. It was a Beautiful experience filled with Love from everyone I missed soo much, but unfortunately there were some I missed soo much and did not get to see. (Bike tour to Louisiana!!) While on my visit I stopped by my favorite bike shop Hub City Cycles to see my friend Dustin and the Gang of workers. Well Dustin and I eventually leave for lunch and Meg started ordering parts for my new tour bike. It was amazing! Check that off the list. My mini vacation lasted two weeks and then I flew back to Spokane. Gather Camping needs and start planting shit!!!
Eventually May arrived and it was time to run a 7.5 mile marathon called Bloomsday. This was my test for the bike tour. Run the whole 7.5 miles with minimal training and you can do anything was the mentality. It worked - here I sit having biked to Sasquatch found a ride from there with my bike to Portland in an old school bus with a new great friend called Jori. Why Portland? Well Glass Animals had a show there the day after the last day of Sasquatch. The show was sold out and the plan was to scalp a ticket, but I went out on a limb by the suggestion of Thom and asked Glass Animals if they had an extra ticket. Well they did, so I was on the guest list. 12 hours was not enough time to bike there, so I needed a ride. The show was amazing because there was room to move. The Sasquatch crowds were very large and squishy if you were in the front - no room for dancing. For the Gogol Bordello show there was an hour long mosh pit. Yes! I was in it the whole time! They were my favorite for the whole festival, but heard they were poop heads off stage. :/ Jori was at the festival for the music and to interview bands for what they at My Music Rx call song prescriptions. A member of a band or really any celebrity talks about a song that makes them feel good and they play the interviews and songs for sick children. Very Kool! Jori has also become somewhat of family having met her whole family and she let me stay in her house a few days in Salem, Or because my whole plan has changed. No longer is the final destination of this tour back to the farm it is instead undetermined. Here we GOOOOO!!!!!!!
Under the sun, behind my shades
Out on the highway, I float through space
Earth ply's it's orbit, the shadows are long.
Like a comet she fades, the bright tail is gone.
- MacB
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